The 76.6-hectare North Thompson Islands Provincial Park protects an area of large, undisturbed floodplain islands in the North Thompson River, containing braided channels, sandbars and riverbanks. Surrounding vegetation consists of cottonwood, hybrid spruce, willow, red ozier dogwood, black twinberry, hazelnut and carex.

Fishing in the North Thompson River is good for rainbow trout, salmon and Dolly Varden.

Remnants of the historic Hudson’s Bay Company Fur Brigade Trail are still visible on the east side of the North Thompson River. There are no camping or other day-use facilities provided at the park.

North Thompson Islands Provincial Park is located 54 miles (85 km) north of Kamloops and 9 miles (14 km) north of Barriere, adjacent to Highway 5 on the North Thompson River. Access is by boat or canoe only on the North Thompson River.

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