Premier Listings for Tofino

Tofino is a pretty fishing village at the tip of Esowista Peninsula near the entrance to Clayoquot Sound on the west coast of Vancouver Island. Tofino is a rapidly growing tourist centre for Long Beach and other Pacific Rim destinations. Once a timber and fishing town, Tofino has become a favoured destination for travellers from around the world.

Tofino was named in 1792 after the Spanish Hydrographer Vicente Tofino de San Miguel (1732 – 1795) who was Rear Admiral of the Spanish Naval Academy in Cadiz. Amongst Tofino’s pupils while a mathematics teacher was the explorer Bodega y Quadra.

The first trading post and hotel was established on Stubbs Island around 1875, where the building remained until 1905 before being moved to present day Tofino. Tofino was incorporated in 1932 and connected to the rest of Vancouver Island in 1959, when a gravel road was built to Port Alberni.

Local environmentalists and artists have banded together to suspend destruction of one of the last virgin timberlands on the west coast of Vancouver Island and halt the rapid development for which the area is ripe. Tofino boasts miles of sandy beaches to the south, islands of old-growth cedar, migrating grey whales, hot springs, sea lions, and a temperate climate.

Tofino’s docks bustle with local fishermen and act as launching points for numerous sea kayaking, whale watching, wildlife, hot springs and cultural tours. Local boats also supply the 1,500 residents of five Nuu-chah-nulth communities and others who make their homes on the nearby islands and secluded shores of Clayoquot Sound.

The economy of the relaxed, vacation destination of Tofino is largely dependent upon tourism and aquaculture.

Population: 1,906

Location: Literally at the end of the road, Tofino is located on the west coast of Vancouver Island, accessed via Highway 4 from Parksville, 26 miles (42 kms) north of Ucluelet and 81 miles (130 kms) west of Port Alberni. Driving time from Victoria is approximately 4 to 5 hours. To reach Tofino by car from the British Columbia mainland, you’ll first need to take the ferry to Nanaimo on Vancouver Island, from either Horseshoe Bay, north of Vancouver, or Tsawwassen, south of Vancouver.

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View map of the area

The Whale Centre Maritime Museum offers a display of artifacts collected and donated by Tofino locals over the past twenty five years. On exhibit is an assortment of traditional native jewelry, cedar baskets, paddles, sea life, local artifacts – from traditional whaling equipment to original navigation charts of the area – and a complete 40’ gray whale skeleton. The Whale Centre Maritime Museum at 411 Campbell Street is free to the public.

Crab Dock: One of Tofino’s government wharves is known locally as the crab dock and is used by crab fishermen to store traps and tie up their boats – a good place to buy some live and fresh seafood.

First Nations Artwork: There are two excellent Native art galleries in Tofino: the hand-hewn longhouse, Eagle Aerie Gallery, which displays Tsimshian artist Roy Vickers’ works, and the House of Himwitsa. Tofino is home to many artists and features traditional First Nations artwork including totem poles, sculptures, masks, paintings, basketry, and jewellery. Spend some time browsing through Tofino, soaking up the local atmosphere and finding that perfect ‘something’ to remind you of your stay in Tofino.

Hot Springs Cove is a splendid hot spring still enjoyable in its natural state. The boiling spring water cascades down a small cliff into a series of layered rock pools, cooled by the incoming ocean surf. Open year-round and accessible only by sea or air, guided tours from Tofino explore Hot Springs Cove, a popular destination with kayakers after paddling passed Flores and Vargas Islands. The spring is located in Maquinna Marine Provincial Park in the remote northern end of Clayoquot Sound.

Tofino Botanical Gardens constitutes twelve acres of gardens, forest, and shoreline that explore the relationship between culture and nature. A network of paths and boardwalks will take you from the Visitor Centre passed kitchen gardens, the Frog Pond, the Children’s Garden, and into the forest, where clearings have been transformed in a series of pocket gardens. Some of these gardens display plants that once thrived in other coastal temperate rainforests around the world. Others celebrate the various cultural groups that have made Clayoquot Sound their home now and in the past, particularly the Nuu-chah-nulth First Nations, early pioneer homesteaders, Japanese fishing families, and, of course, Hippies. Darwin’s Café is open seasonally, offering breakfasts, lunches and espresso drink. Microscopes and books full of dangerous ideas are available to all. The Tofino Botanical Garden is located at 1084 Pacific Rim Highway in Tofino and is open daily from 9am till dusk.

Eik Cedar Tree: Visit and hug the mascot of Tofino and arguably the most famous tree in Canada. The 800-year-old Western Red Cedar was condemned after the detection of a column of decay inside the trunk. A felling permit was issued and the chainsaw gang arrived. However, the citizens of Tofino came together to save the last example of the ancient old-growth trees that once covered the peninsula where Tofino now stands. In the middle of the standoff, two Tofino residents climbed eighty feet into the tree to spend the next 28 days in the tree’s canopy. Engineers and Arborists conspired to find a way to preserve the Eik Cedar Tree. In summer 2002 the tree was finally fitted with a specially designed metal girdle with ground anchors and steel rods embedded in the bed rock.

The Kwisitis Visitor Centre, formerly the Wickaninnish Interpretive Centre, is a definite highlight for visitors of all ages. You’ll find telescopes mounted on an observation deck at the centre, plus numerous displays inside that introduce visitors to the geographical and natural history of the Pacific Northwest. The centre’s purpose is to provide an understanding of the north Pacific Ocean and its influence on man and nature. The history of the North Pacific coast is illustrated by a collection of artifacts used by Nuu-chah-nulth Indians, the traditional inhabitants of the area. The Wickaninnish Interpretive Centre is open during the day, from late spring to fall.

Tofino Clayoquot Heritage Museum exhibits the rich history and heritage of Tofino, including old photographs, whaling harpoons, a relic canoe, and model boats offered on loan by Tofino local Roland Arnet, who is a descendant of one of the first groups of settlers in the region. The museum will be open during the summer months, and is located at 331 Main Street, on the lower level of the Tofino Legion building.

Clayoquot Sound covers over 3,000 square kilometres immediately north of Tofino. The sound can best be described as a tranquil wilderness, and its rugged slopes are home to the largest expanse of low-level, old-growth rainforest left in North America.

Tours: Tofino’s docks also serve as starting points for First Nations cultural tours, hot springs tours, whale watching and wildlife tours, bike tours, and kayaking tours. Diving and fishing charters are popular, and surfboard and bicycle rentals are available.

Bear Viewing: Tofino provides an exciting opportunity to observe black bears in their natural habitat along the shoreline of the neighbouring sheltered channels, inlets and sounds. The bears emerge from the rainforest at low tide to feed on a smorgasbord of shellfish, crustaceans and seaweed. Dry suits provided by the tour company keep you warm aboard the comfortable Zodiac vessels as the knowledgeable and experienced guide locates the bears and provides information on the area and the local wildlife. You may also see other marine mammals and birds, and perhaps even a lone wolf on the shoreline if you’re lucky. Bear watching tours run from April to October. Be sure to bring your camera … and your biggest smile. Bear Watching Tour Operators in Tofino.

Whale Watching: Grey whales, Humpback and Killer whales migrate the coastal waters, and porpoises, seals, sea lions, and elephant seals are viewed along the coastline. Every spring, Tofino co-hosts the Pacific Rim Whale Festival, to celebrate the incredible west coast migration of close to 20,000 gray whales! For an even more exhilarating, close-up view of these magnificent animals, one can venture onto the open Pacific aboard local charter boats offering scheduled whale watching excursions from either Tofino or Ucluelet.
Pacific Rim National Park: Whale Watching

One of the joys of visiting Pacific Rim National Park is participating in a grey whale observation tour led by a park naturalist. Start at the Kwisitis Visitor Centre, located beside a lengthy stretch of windswept and surf-pounded beach on Combers Beach in Wickaninnish Bay. The entrance is well marked adjacent to Hwy 4 at the end of Long Beach Road. You’ll find telescopes mounted on an observation deck at the centre, plus numerous displays inside that introduce visitors to the geographical and natural history of the Pacific Northwest. Numerous privately led whale-watching expeditions set out from Tofino daily, or you can whale watch from the shoreline.

Storm Watching near Tofino in winter allows visitors to experience the raw power of the mighty Pacific Ocean, as ferocious waves roll in from Japan and pound the shores of the rugged west coast – nature in all it’s fierce majesty! The weather in the Pacific Rim area has a profound effect on any planned activities, as precipitation along the west coast of Vancouver Island is amongst the heaviest in the world, especially in winter. Annual rainfall is approximately 3 metres or nearly 120 inches. Match the season with your desired activity, and come prepared for rain, awe-inspiring winter storms and glorious sunshine!

Surfing: There are only two locations on Vancouver Island where you’ll find a surfing community. Jordan River is one, and Tofino (Long Beach) the other. A small but dedicated group of aficionados lives here year-round, while another coterie safaris over as often as possible, particularly in winter months when storm season produces the best peeling surf. As the ocean temperature here hovers at a constant, chilly 42-44 deg F (6-7 deg C) year-round, it hardly matters what month it is: it’s the waves that count. Tofino does boast the highest annual mean temperature in Canada, which may help remove some of the sting if you think about it hard enough while you’re paddling out to catch one more wave. Long Beach boasts the only Surf Camp of its kind in Canada, providing popular adult camps, youth camps, and daily surfing lessons. You can also learn to surf at Canada’s only all-women surf school, offering weekend and weekday Clinics, Mother & Daughter Camps, and Teen Camps. Cox Bay, midway between Tofino and Pacific Rim National Park is Canada’s Malibu. Vancouver Island ranks as a rugged wilderness adventure best experienced amongst huge winter swells, beginners stick to the gentler surf and reassuring crows of summer.

Windsurfing: Thanks to its wide expanse and western exposure, Long Beach is the beach of choice for freewheeling, Maui-style windsurfing when the ocean gets riled.

Golf: The Long Beach Golf Course is surrounded by the ancient rainforest of the Pacific Rim National Park, one of the most scenic golf courses in BC. The 9-hole championship course is also known to be one of the most challenging courses on Vancouver Island. Vancouver Island Golf Vacations.

Fishing: Open-ocean fishing occurs far offshore from Tofino and Ucluelet. The continental shelf runs west of the two ports for almost 30km to La Perouse Bank, an undersea plateau that forms the leading edge of British Columbia’s coastline. This is where the action happens, where the currents, swells, and weather combine. Fishing charters and guides are available for day trips to the area’s many fishing spots.

Tofino offers year-round saltwater fishing opportunities, with world-class salmon fishing and flyfishing in Clayoquot Sound, with April through September being the best time. Freshwater anglers can driftfish or flyfish for magnificent sea-run rainbow trout or fall Salmon on the remote, pristine rivers that drain into Clayoquot Sound. Shallow protected waters and the abundance of bait fish, makes Clayoquot Sound an ideal place to catch salmon and sea-run cutthroat on the cast fly. For those who have not caught salmon on a fly, once is all it takes to get you hooked.

Offroad Touring: Exciting raincoast backroad adventures are offered out of Tofino and Ucluelet in the comfort and safety of 4 x 4 vehicles. View the newly formed Clayoquot UN Biosphere, pristine mountain lakes, streams and waterfalls, with magnificent vistas of Barkley Sound and Clayoquot Sound. Walk nature trails through ancient forests with huge old growth cedar trees, see bears, birds and waterfowl. Full or half day trips.
Offroading on Vancouver Island.

Beaches: You can spend days walking the beaches between Ucluelet and Tofino, and in the process discover why some folks spend their whole lives caught up in the surf and tidal rhythms here. Located between the village of Tofino and Ucluelet, the Long Beach unit, which offers outstanding beach hiking, is the most accessible and most developed component of the Pacific Rim National Park.

Radar Beach, Long Beach, Combers Beach, and Wickaninnish Beach run successively from north to south and stretch for 15.5 miles between Cox and Quisitas Points. Radar Beach is rugged and puts up a fight when pummelled by the surf. If you only have a short amount of time, head directly to Long Beach. Depending on the season and the height of the swells in Wickaninnish Bay, not to mention the thickness of the mist, you may see surfers, sea kayakers, cyclists, kite flyers, hackey-sackers, disc tossers, swimmers, joggers, and walkers at play on the hard-packed sand. Something about the enormity of Long Beach just makes you goofy.

Kayaking: The spectacular Clayoquot Sound is a premier sea kayaking destination, offering miles of sheltered inlet waterways, exciting coastal stretches, and pounding surf beaches. Boating and paddling these waters is one of the most rewarding ways to experience this environment. Depending on your skill level, you can either plan a trip on your own or join up with one of the tour operators that use Tofino as their base. Kayaking day trips close to Tofino include paddles to Meares, Stubbs, Wickaninnish, and Vargas Islands, all within sight of the federal dock in Tofino.

You can land on the east coast of Vargas Island, a 3-mile (5-km) paddle north from Tofino, and make the one-hour journey across island on foot to Ahous Beach. If you paddle to Ahous rather than hike, be prepared for a stretch of open ocean as you round the exposed southwest corner of Vargas. If it’s blowing too hard, check out isolated Medallion Bay on the south end of the island, a delightful place to land. Nothing on Vargas, however, tops the lengthy expanse of Ahous Beach, which rivals Long Beach in size. So vast is its hard-caked, sandy surface that light planes occasionally land here.

As intimidating as the ocean can be at Long Beach, there are wonderfully long, calm days in summer when boaters and paddlers can safely enjoy an excursion offshore. A boat launch is located beside the parking lot at the north end of Long Beach, beside Highway 4.

Grice Bay is a sheltered niche of ocean waterway tucked in beside Meares Island in the backwaters of Clayoquot Sound. At low tide, the bay drains so low that it takes on the appearance of a green marshland. Eelgrass covers much of the mudflats in Browning Pass, which links Grice Bay with Tofino to the north. A boat launch is located at the end of Grice Bay Road, which leads east from Hwy 4, almost 9 miles (14 km) south of Tofino.

Hiking: The extensive network of trails in the Pacific Rim National Park is provided for hikers only – no bikes or horses are permitted – and motorized vehicles are not allowed on the park’s beaches or trails. The hiking trails are designed to expose visitors to the miles of quiet sandy shoreline and to the truly wonderful forests of the region. Many of the trails in the park provide short, easygoing walks. The Wickaninnish Trail (easy; 6 miles/10 km return) involves a much longer excursion between the beaches on Wickaninnish and Florencia Bays. It begins beside the Wickaninnish Interpretive Centre and follows the same route as the South Beach Trail, before striking off on its own towards Florencia Bay. This is one of the best rain-forest trails in the park.

Numerous short trails lead through the salal and Sitka spruce forest and along the beaches of the park. Some of the trails follow pathways that have been tunnelled through the overhanging salal; others follow wooden boardwalks. Many of the trails lead through interpretive zones where plaques describe the biodiversity in the surrounding rain forest. From mid-March to September, park naturalists are on hand at the Wickaninnish Interpretive Centre to answer questions and lead tours. In the off-season, take one of the self-guided trails such as the Shoreline Bog Trail (0.5-mile/0.8-km loop), the Rain Forest Trail (two 0.6-mile/1-km loops), and the Spruce Fringe Trail (1-mile/1.5-km loop). The Gold Mine Trail (2 miles/3 km return) leads visitors to Wreck Beach on Florencia Bay from Hwy 4. It passes through an old gold mining site.

The South Beach Trail (1 mile/1.5 km return) leads from the Wickaninnish Centre to Lismer and South Beach, across a rocky headland with great ocean vistas. As the motion of the surf rolls the pebbles on the beach back and forth, it produces a percussive, musical sound. Towards the north end of Long Beach, the Schooner Cove Trail (1 mile/2 km return) leads through the rain forest and down a staircase to a secluded beach from Hwy 4. Hike into history; the 3-km Meares Island Big Cedar Trail’ leads to the Hanging Garden Cedar, a living tree with a trunk circumference of 20 meters and estimated to be over 2,000 years old!

Walk the Wild Side Trail is an 11-km trail historically used by the Ahousaht people for thousands of years. Visitors now have the opportunity to escape into the remote wilderness of Clayoquot Sound and hike along forest boardwalk and 9 gorgeous beaches. Be prepared for a strenuous hike, because the trail ends by ascending Mount Flores, offering a spectacular view of Clayoquot Sound. Bring a backpack with provisions and be prepared for some mud and spontaneous weather changes. Run the Wild Side Trail is an annual event held in June, offering a 22-km run or 10-km walk/run of the trail. For more information visit the Wild Side Trail office, located in Ahousaht Housing office building in Ahousat on Flores Island, 30 minutes by water taxi from Tofino.

Camping: With almost one million visitors a year to Pacific Rim National Park, it’s important to have somewhere for them to camp, especially after they’ve driven all that way. With this in mind, Parks Canada maintains campgrounds in the park for both those who wish a formal site and those who wish to make contact with the wilderness. At the Green Point Campground on Long Beach, about 10 km north of the Tofino / Ucluelet junction on Hwy 4, you’ll find 94 vehicle/tent sites and 54 walk-in sites on the beach, sheltered by thick stands of salal.

Diving: A vast tableau of the marine life that thrives in the nutrient-rich waters of the west coast of Vancouver Island is arrayed underwater in Dawley Passage Provincial Park, a popular local dive site located due east of Tofino. Strong currents surge through a narrow passage, which makes for clear water but sketchy conditions. Divers must be sure to explore the 1899 wreck of the schooner Hera, right off Tofino Harbour, British Columbia’s first designated underwater heritage site.

The magnificent Pacific Rim National Park is the only national park on Vancouver Island, providing protection for substantial rain forests and an amazing marine environment on the west coast of Vancouver Island. The full force of the mighty Pacific Ocean mercilessly pounds the constantly changing shores of this rugged coastline. This unique park encompasses a total area of 49,962 hectare of land and ocean in three separate geographic units – Long Beach, the Broken Group Islands and the world-famous West Coast Trail. Nature’s reward to hardy hikers include immense old-growth rainforests and significant Nuu-chah-nulth archaeological sites, long sandy beaches, prolific and abundant marine life, isolated beaches swept by powerful surf, cliffs, sea stacks, and surge channels.

Long Beach: Located between the villages of Tofino and Ucluelet, the Long Beach unit is the most accessible and most developed component of the Pacific Rim National Park and is open year-round. Named for its 12-mile stretch of surf-swept sand, Long Beach offers outstanding beach hiking.

The Broken Group Islands: A pristine archipelago made up of more than 100 rocky islands and islets in Barkley Sound, the Broken Group Islands can only be reached by boat. Eagles, sea lions and marine life abound, and tide pools and dozens of sandy pocket beaches beckon to photographers and nature enthusiasts.

Vargas Island Provincial Park protects the rugged western portion of Vargas Island, Blunden Island and the tiny La Croix Group of islands immediately northwest of Tofino on the west coast of Vancouver Island.

Flores Island Provincial Park includes the western and southern parts of Flores Island, in Clayoquot Sound northwest of Tofino. This vast, untamed wilderness area protects three undisturbed watersheds and hosts a network of trails through ancient Sitka Spruce forests.

Maquinna Marine Provincial Park is located on the east coast of remote Hesquiat Harbour, northwest of Tofino in the remote northern end of Clayoquot Sound. Outdoor enthusiasts will revel in the wide range of exciting activities available in the park, including sea kayaking, hiking and swimming. One of the main attractions of the park is the hot mineral water of Hot Springs Cove.

Annual Events: Most of Tofino’s annual events focus on family fun, including Aboriginal Days, the West Coast Maritime Festival, and the Tofino Lantern Festival. The Shorebird Festival is held in May to celebrate the arrival of tens of thousands of shorebirds to resting places on the beaches and mudflats of the estuaries in Barkley Sound and Clayoquot Sound. Tofino and Ucluelet are directly in the path of the Pacific Flyway, making the area an ideal location for nature watchers when large flocks of birds fill the sky.

The Edge to Edge Marathon is hosted by Ucluelet and Tofino in June. Runners will run a slightly undulating course through the Pacific Rim National Park between Tofino and Ucluelet – a perfect marathon distance on a beautifully natural course.

Just a half-hour drive south of Tofino is the fishing community of Ucluelet, which means safe harbour in the Nuu-chah-nulth language. Visit the scenic Amphitrite Point and Lighthouse, explore the trails around He-tin-kis Park, and visit the Thornton Creek hatchery.

Quait Bay is a remote bay nestled in a hidden cove deep in the wilderness north of Tofino on Vancouver Island. Located off Herbert Inlet in Clayoquot Sound, Quait Bay offers a unique experience for the discerning outdoor enthusiast.

Premier Business Listings in Tofino – West Coast Vancouver Island City Guide

Photo of Ocean Outfitters Ltd
Ocean Outfitters Ltd
P.O Box 919 368 Main Street Tofino BC V0R 2Z0 Home Phone: 250-725-2866Home Fax: 250-725-2880Work Phone: 1-877-906-2326Visit Website

Biographical Info

Adventure Seekers & Nature Lovers – OCEAN OUTFITTERS is the place to kick off all your Tofino activities! Our experienced, local guides will pilot you through beautiful Clayoquot Sound to view gray whales, humpbacks, orcas (killer whales), black bears, sea otters, sea lions, wolves, eagles and other seabirds aboard one of our luxury covered boats, or one of our Zodiac boats.

Whether you’re headed to Hot Springs Cove, joining us for an inlet tour to view Black Bears, or wanting to meet up close and personal with our local gray whales, humpbacks, and orcas… we are your gateway to adventure!

Looking for a calmer and more intimate experience? Join us on a beautiful 4.5 hour guided kayak trip in a remote part of Clayoquot Sound. While kayaking through the calm waters and discussing the history of Clayoquot Sound, we will also be looking for Harbour Seals, Black Bears, Bald Eagles and various other forms of wildlife that out populate humans in this area!

Interested in fishing? We are proud to bring you some of the best fishing itineraries that Tofino has to offer! Charters are available for both experienced fisherman and families looking for fun. Tofino offers world-renown deep sea salmon fishing, as well as excellent ‘family friendly’ fishing areas with calm, protected waters, and LOTS of fish. Helping kids and novice boaters explore the wonders of our area and wildlife is a big part of what we love to do. Also available on our Fishing Charters, is our sea-to-fork ‘Gourmet At Sea’ add-on, where our guide (who is a professional trained chef) will prepare your freshly-caught seafood for you while you’re still on the water!

Our programs are not only a ton of fun, but they are also educational and encourage stewardship. We are a certified green business and are committed to connecting you with nature and to inspiring conservancy. Live the experience with Ocean Outfitters!

Our waterfront location on Main Street, in the Shore building, has all of gear needed to get you out there, as well as organic coffee to fuel your adventures! We are proud retailers of Arcteryx, Costa Del Mar Sunglasses, Vortex binoculars, Pendleton, and a great collection of books. Feel free to enjoy our lounge/cafe before or after your trip.

Video: Ocean Outfitters – Your Tofino Adventure Specialists

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Photo of Remote Passages Marine Excursions
Remote Passages Marine Excursions
Box 624 51 Wharf Street Tofino BC V0R 2Z0 Home Phone: 250-725-3330Home Fax: 250-725-3380Work Phone: 1-800-666-9833Visit Website

Biographical Info

Whether watching whales, dipping into Hot Springs Cove, or kayaking to a rainforest trail, people of all ages have enjoyed our excursions since 1986. We launch out of Tofino in Clayoquot Sound on the west coast of Vancouver Island, just minutes from Long Beach and Pacific Rim National Park. We look forward to welcoming you aboard for a Clayoquot Sound adventure by Remote Passages.

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Photo of Pacific Surf School
Pacific Surf School
441 Campbell Street P.O Box 636 Tofino BC V0R 2Z0 Home Phone: 250-725-2155Work Phone: 1-888-777-9961Home Fax: 250-725-2116Visit Website

Biographical Info

Our mission at Pacific Surf Company is to create the opportunity for all to experience the life-changing impact of the ocean! We are open year round, offering lessons, rentals, and west coast inspired apparel.

Our lessons are hands-down the most thorough you will find in Tofino, and are led by our energetic, certified instructors. Our instructor team is filled with people who have a love for sharing their passion for surfing, and are all Bronze Cross, First Aid, and CPR certified. They focus not only on your safety, but your fun as well!

Here is how we make your experience easier:

•Year-round group, family, and private surf and SUP lessons
•All lessons include all the necessary gear
•Transport of lesson gear down to the beach for you
•5:1 maximum student to instructor ratio
•Surf and SUP rentals
•Roof racks included with all surf board rentals

We also offer multi-day surf packages and can tailor lessons to large groups, school groups, and wedding parties! Find us from May to September also down at our satellite shop at Ocean Village Resort for any of your surf and SUP rental needs. Visit us in store, or book and shop online!

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Photo of Coastal Charters
Coastal Charters
605 Gibson Street #109 Tofino BC V0R 2Z0 Home Phone: 778-891-3845Visit Website

Biographical Info

We have the keys to the seafood supermarket, right here in Tofino on the West Coast of Vancouver Island. If you’re here to fish for dime-bright Pacific salmon, the massive and delicious halibut, cod, snapper, or even albacore tuna, then you’ve come to the right place. Fishing also offered out of Victoria during the winter months.

Coastal Charters offers on and offshore fishing packages, coastal adventures, and your choice of tour activities. Explore the coastline of Tofino while fishing, soak in mineral rich pools of the Hot Springs Cove, or walk the boardwalk through temperate rainforest.

We always have our guests and our planet at heart and we relish in creating exciting, safe and unforgettable adventures. We get to know our guests, and go that extra distance to ensure that they are completely satisfied or just downright over the moon!

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Photo of FarOut Wilderness
FarOut Wilderness
Victoria BC Home Phone: 778-887-0396Visit Website

Biographical Info

FarOut Wilderness is an outdoor adventure travel company specializing in overland vehicle rentals and tailor-made itineraries in British Columbia. We use our local knowledge and experience to transform your ideas into an authentic and unique adventure.

Our self-drive itineraries allow you to explore off the beaten track at your own pace. We provide you with the resources to re-connect with nature and most importantly each another. All of our vehicles are fully insured for driving on unpaved roads and are equipped with a rooftop tent, camping equipment and GPS Messenger service.

FarOut Wilderness operates in all seasons and has one pet friendly vehicle. We offer complimentary vehicle collection and drop off at the following locations: Swartz Bay Ferry Terminal, Victoria Airport, Victoria Downtown, Tsawwassen Ferry Terminal, Vancouver Downtown, and Vancouver Airport. If you have another collection or drop off location in mind, please contact us!

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Photo of Wickaninnish Inn
Wickaninnish Inn
Osprey Lane at Chesterman Beach PO Box 250 Tofino BC V0R 2Z0 Home Phone: 250-725-3100Work Fax: 250-725-3129Work Phone: 1-800-333-4604Visit Website

Biographical Info

The Wickaninnish Inn is an enchanting and critically acclaimed landmark offering rustic elegance on nature’s edge. From remote fishing to sunset beach walks, your luxurious custom getaway is our priority, and no trip to BC would be complete without experiencing this remarkable Tofino destination. The Wickaninnish Inn offers accommodation with direct beach access, 75 deluxe rooms, and panoramic ocean or beach views from every guest room.

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Photo of Waterfront West Real Estate
Waterfront West Real Estate
1080 5th Street Courtenay BC V9N 1L4 Home Phone: 250-897-8781Home Fax: 250-703-2902Work Phone: 1-866-799-9378Visit Website

Biographical Info

Waterfront West is the first and only marketplace dedicated exclusively to buyers and sellers of waterfront and water view real estate in British Columbia. Advertising Realtors’ listings, private sales and developments, we are pioneering the market for this prime real estate. Featuring private and brokered sales, waterfront developments and a complimentary Buyers’ Club.

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Photo of Clayoquot Wilderness Lodge
Clayoquot Wilderness Lodge
380 Main Street P.O. Box 130 Tofino BC V0R 2Z0 Home Phone: 250-726-8235Work Fax: 250-266-0412Work Phone: 1-888-333-5405Visit Website

Biographical Info

Outpost Location:
Bedwell Sound
West Coast Vancouver Island

Vancouver Island’s celebrated luxury outpost Clayoquot Wilderness Lodge skirts the banks of its namesake ocean inlet, Clayoquot Sound, and offers an escape to the still, tranquil beauty of Canada’s remote wilderness. Set among magnificent conifer forests, the lodge offers guests an unforgettable experience of the landscape and its wildlife. Twenty-five canvas tents designed with contemporary interiors complement period and local artisan-designed pieces to offer a decadent retreat.

Guests have direct access to 600-acres of gloriously wild nature reserve where opportunities for adventure, education, natural enrichment and personal connection abound. Experiences span equestrian, marine-based, land-based, helicopter and fishing adventures.

Drawing inspiration from Vancouver Island’s wild beauty, Executive Chef Asher Blackford translates the landscape to the plate through the sights, scents and tastes of the region and uses premium sustainable, locally grown and foraged ingredients to deliver a 5-star taste of the destination.

Adventure-filled days are bolstered by the freedom to unwind at the spa, where physical and spiritual sanctuary are found in restorative treatments for body and soul. Featuring a waterfront massage tent, saunas and cedar hot tubs for relaxing and drinking in the view.

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Photo of Ancient Cedars Spa
Ancient Cedars Spa
The Wickaninnish Inn Osprey Lane at Chesterman Beach PO Box 250 Tofino BC V0R 2Z0 Home Phone: 250-725-3113Home Fax: 250-725-3129Work Phone: 1-800-333-4604Visit Website

Biographical Info

Extremely beautiful in its setting between the wild Pacific Ocean and old-growth forest, Ancient Cedars Spa, an award-winning destination spa, enhances the magical guest experience at this resort haven, known as a retreat for nature’s “dramas” and epicurean excellence. Ancient Cedars Spa looks out onto the open Pacific Ocean at the enchanting Wickaninnish Inn on Chesterman Beach in Tofino.

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Photo of Pacific Sands Beach Resort
Pacific Sands Beach Resort
1421 Pacific Rim Highway Box 237 Tofino BC V0R 2Z0 Home Phone: 250-725-3322Home Fax: 250-725-3155Work Phone: 1-800-565-2322Visit Website

Biographical Info

A consistently top-ranked Tofino hotel on TripAdvisor, this family and dog-friendly resort offers beachfront and ocean view accommodations ranging from 520 to 1400 square feet and is the only resort in Tofino with fully-equipped kitchens.

Located steps from spectacular Cox Bay on Vancouver Island, British Columbia, the resort sits on the edge of Pacific Rim National Park, a short scenic drive from Long Beach as well as the charming, seaside village of Tofino – famous for local culture and artisans. From year-round adventures including infamous storm watching, to make-yourself-at-home resort services and hospitality, experience Pacific Sands Beach Resort – the perfect convergence of land, sea and simple pleasures.

More at

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Photo of Tofino Resort and Marina
Tofino Resort and Marina
634 Campbell Street Tofino BC V0R 2Z0 Home Phone: 250-725-3277Work Fax: 250-725-3234Work Phone: 1-844-680-4184Visit Website

Biographical Info

Tofino Resort and Marina is a resort “Inspired by Adventure”. We are nestled in the Clayoquot Sound Biosphere; ideally located just steps from Tofino’s village and local beaches. Take our onsite shuttle to explore Pacific Rim National Park, or watch the sunset at Long Beach. Reserve pet-friendly ocean-view lodging, surf rentals, whale watching, bear watching, fishing, and hot-spring tours. Onsite dining features wood-fired pizzas and craft beer on three different patios, an oceanfront restaurant, and Tofino’s only pub.

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