Blue River Black Spruce Provincial Park is an important conservation area for diverse wetland habitat and rare stands of black spruce, which give the park its name. The 175-hectare park is situated on the North Thompson River and is known for its diverse wildlife and plantlife. Park soil is quite acidic, which produces a variety of moss and lichens, including sundew, Labrador tea and sphagnum moss.

The park also protects important habitat for moose, mule deer and black bear. Waterways provide important spawning habitat for rainbow and bull trout, and rearing habitat for juvenile Chinook and Coho salmon. Great blue heron and a variety of waterfowl also use the park to nest.

The park is primarily a conservation area, therefore recreational activities are very limited and no camping is permitted. However, there are plenty of opportunities for bird watching and nature appreciation. The park is also used frequently for nature studies and ecological education. For easygoing paddling, the North Thompson River is perfect. There are no facilities provided and park water is not drinkable, so be sure to bring your own supply.

Blue River Black Spruce Provincial Park is located on the North Thompson River, 230 km north of Kamloops on Highway 5, near the small community of Blue River in Northern British Columbia.

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