Wondering where to find the best bookshops Vancouver has to offer? This article highlights the city’s top bookstores, from charming independents to niche specialty shops, including a wide variety of offerings such as children’s books. Discover the best spots to fuel your love for books in Vancouver.

Key Takeaways

  • Vancouver’s bookshops are more than just places to buy books; they are cultural hubs hosting events like poetry readings, author talks, and workshops that foster community engagement.

  • Independent bookstores such as Massy Books, The Paper Hound, and Pulpfiction Books each offer unique charms, from celebrating diversity to curating rare literary finds.

  • Specialized bookstores in Vancouver, like Kidsbooks, Spartacus Books, and Banyen Books & Sound, cater to specific interests and passions, providing enriching experiences tailored to various reader demographics.

The Charm of Vancouver’s Bookshops

Illustration of a cozy bookshop in Vancouver

Imagine wandering into a world where every corner tells a story, where the warmth of welcoming smiles and the soft rustle of pages turn moments into memories. Vancouver’s bookshops are more than stores; they are sanctuaries for the written word, offering a wide selection of books that promise a perfect match for every reader. Each shop weaves its own magic, reflecting the personalities of owners and staff who share a deep love for both books and those who seek them.

But these literary havens don’t just house books; they serve as cultural cornerstones, hosting events that bring stories to life. From trinkets that whisper tales of far-off places to author signings that connect readers with the minds behind the words, these spaces foster a sense of community that enriches Vancouver’s cultural tapestry. Check their event calendars, and you might find yourself swept up in an evening of:

  • poetry readings

  • book launches

  • book club discussions

  • author talks

  • writing workshops

  • storytelling sessions

Or you might find yourself making new friends over shared favorites.

Must-Visit Independent Bookstores

Illustration of Massy Books in Vancouver

Venturing through Vancouver’s independent bookstores is an experience akin to treasure hunting, especially during Canadian Independent Bookstore Day. Each shop, with its unique charm and curated shelves, invites you to discover literary jewels from new and used books to rare finds that you won’t see elsewhere. Prepare to be captivated by the stories behind each storefront, from Massy Books’ celebration of diversity to The Paper Hound’s quirky collection and Pulpfiction Books’ vast array of genres.

Massy Books

Nestled on the vibrant streets of Vancouver, Massy Books stands as a beacon of inclusivity and cultural richness. This 100% Indigenous and female-owned bookstore is not just a place to find your next read; it’s a community hub where art and activism come together. With its wide selection of fiction and non-fiction, including a significant collection of Indigenous books, Massy Books offers a literary kaleidoscope that mirrors the diverse voices and stories of our time.

Step through the secret bookshelf door, and you’ll enter a realm where rare books whisper the secrets of the past. Massy Books is more than a store; it’s a place where the community gathers, sharing ideas and inspiration through exhibitions and events in the upstairs loft and sister space, Massey Arts. It’s where the perfect book is not just found—it’s experienced.

The Paper Hound

In the heart of Vancouver lies The Paper Hound, a main street shop that feels as if plucked from the pages of a storybook. With its delightful blend of the classic and the curious, this cozy nook on West Pender Street is a dreamscape for those who seek the whimsical and the rare. As you meander through the carefully organized shelves, you’ll find that the perfect book seems to search for you as much as you search for it.

The Paper Hound’s charm is in its meticulous curation—each spine a testament to the timeless allure of print. Here, vintage books become collectible treasures, and the aura of the quaint shop invites you to linger longer, lost in the magic of discovery. It’s a place that beckons to every bibliophile’s heart, asking only for your curiosity in return, as you explore the shelves filled with medieval manuscripts and more.

Pulpfiction Books

With over two decades under its belt, Pulpfiction Books is one of western Canada’s largest bookshops and a cornerstone of Vancouver’s literary landscape. Boasting three locations across the city, each store is a sanctuary for book lovers, offering an expansive selection that spans new, used, and out-of-print books. Whether you’re on the hunt for a Sci-Fi adventure or the latest literary masterpiece, you’ll find a welcoming space and staff ready to guide you to your next great read.

Pulpfiction Books is a purist’s paradise, dedicated solely to the craft of storytelling through books. The absence of non-book paraphernalia ensures that literature takes the spotlight, inviting readers to immerse themselves in the world of words. It’s a place where the shelves are alive with stories, eagerly awaiting to unfold in the hands of their next reader.

Specialized Bookstores in Vancouver

Illustration of Kidsbooks in Vancouver

Specialty bookstores in Vancouver are the hidden threads in the city’s literary tapestry, weaving niche interests into the broader narrative. Whether you’re seeking the enlightenment of spiritual texts at Banyen Books & Sound, the youthful joy of Kidsbooks, or the revolutionary spirit of Spartacus Books, these specialized stores offer collections that cater to specific passions and readerships. Among them, you can find some of the best bookstores in the city.


For over three decades, Kidsbooks has been a cornerstone of childhood wonder in Vancouver. Offering an enchanting array of children’s books in various genres and formats, from picture books for the littlest readers to graphic novels for the young at heart, this storied shop invites families to embark on literary adventures together. With sections dedicated to early readers, middle-graders, and young adults, Kidsbooks is a labyrinth of imagination where every child can find a story to call their own.

Beyond the boundless stories, Kidsbooks enriches young minds with educational toys and games, fostering a love for learning that transcends the page. The staff’s personalized attention ensures that each visit results in the perfect book for every child, making Kidsbooks a beloved destination for families seeking to nurture a lifelong passion for reading.

Spartacus Books

Amid Vancouver’s bustling streets, Spartacus Books stands as a testament to the power of words to inspire change. This volunteer-run nonprofit bookstore is a treasure trove of socio-political literature, including political books, offering a platform for ideas and discussions that challenge the status quo. From anarchy to gender studies, Spartacus Books provides a safe haven for readers to explore the depths of society’s most pressing issues.

More than just a bookstore, Spartacus Books is a community space that extends its reach through a lending library and a free delivery service, ensuring that knowledge and discourse are accessible to all. With offerings that include thought-provoking magazines and zines, this store is a beacon for activists and thinkers alike, inviting engagement and action through the written word.

Banyen Books & Sound

In the tranquil neighborhood of Kitsilano, Banyen Books & Sound offers a sanctuary for the soul. As Vancouver’s premier destination for wellness and spirituality, this bookstore and emporium house an extensive collection of non-fiction books on yoga, meditation, and alternative health, inviting visitors to embark on journeys of self-discovery and healing.

Banyen Books & Sound is more than a store; it’s a community where seekers and practitioners gather, sharing insights and experiences that nourish the mind, body, and spirit. It’s a place where each book, each sound, and each encounter serves as a stepping stone on the path to wellness, making it a must-visit for those in pursuit of inner peace.

Hidden Gems and Newcomers

Illustration of hidden gems bookstore in Vancouver

Venture off the beaten path and you’ll discover Vancouver’s hidden gems and exciting newcomers, each offering a fresh perspective and unique literary experience. Whether it’s the multilingual offerings at Nooroongji, the focus on literary arts at Upstart & Crow, or the rare finds at Kestrel Books, these stores are ripe for exploration by the intrepid book lover.

Upstart & Crow

Tucked away on Granville Island, Upstart & Crow is a creative hub where books and art converge. Emphasizing titles from small, independent presses and works by local and international emerging authors, this bookstore offers a fresh take on the literary scene. The Writer in Residence program further cements its commitment to nurturing new voices and perspectives in the world of writing.

Upstart & Crow is not just a place to find your next read; it’s a space where the literary community thrives, hosting events like the Top Shelf books and beverage evening that draw in a diverse crowd of readers and creators. With each visit, you’re likely to stumble upon something unexpected, making it a beacon for those who revel in the art of storytelling.


Nooroongji is a multilingual haven that sits at the crossroads of language, art, and philosophy. Located in the Net Loft on Granville Island, this bookstore offers an inviting space where books in various languages come together, creating a cultural mosaic that reflects Vancouver’s diverse community.

The curated selection at Nooroongji includes books that:

  • Span age groups and interests

  • Appeal to polyglots

  • Engage philosophy enthusiasts

  • Appreciate the beauty of art in all its forms

Nooroongji is a place where you can find books that challenge, enlighten, and inspire.

Kestrel Books

For those who delight in the thrill of the hunt, Kestrel Books is a paradise of rare titles and hard-to-find books. With over 10,000 titles covering a vast array of fields, this bookstore caters to the most discerning of readers, offering a treasure trove of literary gems. The convenience of searching for titles online adds to the allure, allowing book lovers to scout for their desired reads from the comfort of their own homes.

Kestrel Books, located on Georgia St, is a testament to the enduring charm of rare books. It’s a place where history and narrative intertwine, and where readers can find themselves transported to different worlds with each turn of the page. With its commitment to sustainability, the store encourages customers to bring reusable bags, making each visit a step towards preserving both literary and environmental treasures.

Community-Focused Bookstores

Some bookstores stand out for their commitment to the community, going beyond selling books to foster connections and support local initiatives, including local charities. Iron Dog Books and MacLeod’s Books are prime examples of this ethos, each with its own distinctive approach to engaging with Vancouver’s diverse communities.

Iron Dog Books

Iron Dog Books is a vibrant community anchor that blends traditional storefront charm with modern mobility through its book truck. As an Indigenous-owned business, Iron Dog Books is dedicated to:

  • making literature accessible and affordable

  • offering a diverse range of new backlist, remaindered, and used books across genres like sci-fi and graphic novels

  • focusing on Indigenous authors

  • providing a trade-in program for used books

This further exemplifies their commitment to inclusivity, sustainability, and community initiatives.

This bookstore is more than a place to purchase a book; it’s a gathering spot where stories and cultures intersect. Whether you’re browsing the shelves in the cozy shop or discovering new reads from the mobile truck, Iron Dog Books is a testament to the power of books to unite and inspire a community.

MacLeod’s Books

Stepping into MacLeod’s Books is like entering a portal to the past, where the scent of aged paper and the sight of books stacked high evoke a sense of wonder. This antiquarian bookshop, with its old-school charm and a vast collection of used and rare books, is a bibliophile’s dream come true. Since 1982, MacLeod’s Books has made its home in a century-old building, becoming a beloved fixture in Vancouver’s literary scene.

For serious collectors and casual readers alike, MacLeod’s Books is a destination where the pursuit of knowledge and the pleasure of reading coalesce. Each visit offers the chance to uncover hidden narratives and forgotten tales, making every discovery a cherished addition to one’s personal library.

Tips for Bookstore Hopping in Vancouver

For those eager to delve into Vancouver’s bookstore scene, a well-planned route can transform a simple outing into an unforgettable literary journey. The vibrant Robson Street and the eclectic charm of Gastown offer clusters of bookshops that make for an efficient hopping experience. Utilizing public transport, such as the convenient buses and SkyTrain, can whisk you between neighborhoods, each with its own literary flavor.

To fully savor each bookstore’s unique offerings, consider a weekday morning visit when the crowds are thinner and the atmosphere more intimate. Browse at your own pace, engage with knowledgeable staff, and maybe catch a book launch or two. With a little planning and the spirit of adventure, bookstore hopping in Vancouver can be a chapter you’ll want to revisit time and again.


In the heart of Vancouver, a world of literary wonders awaits. From the diverse offerings of independent bookstores to the specialized collections and community-focused shops, each bookstore we’ve visited tells a unique story. Embrace the charm of rare finds, the allure of new voices, and the comfort of beloved classics. Vancouver’s bookshops are treasure troves for the curious and the passionate, inviting you to become part of their ever-unfolding narratives.

Frequently Asked Questions

What’s special about Massy Books?

Massy Books is special because it is 100% Indigenous and female-owned, with a diverse selection of books, including a large collection of Indigenous books, and a real secret bookshelf door leading to a room of rare books. It’s truly a unique and inclusive space.

Can you recommend a bookstore that specializes in children’s literature?

I recommend Kidsbooks, an iconic independent children’s bookshop with an impressive variety of books for children of all ages, educational resources, and classics. They also offer educational toys and games to enhance the learning experience.

Where can I find political and socio-political literature in Vancouver?

You can find political and socio-political literature at Spartacus Books in Vancouver, a volunteer-run nonprofit bookstore offering a wide selection of genres and a lending library. It’s the go-to spot for such literature in the city.

Are there any bookstores in Vancouver that focus on wellness and spirituality?

Yes, you can find a variety of wellness and spirituality books at Banyen Books & Sound in Kitsilano, offering an extensive collection of non-fiction books on topics such as yoga, meditation, and alternative health.

What tips do you have for someone interested in bookstore hopping in Vancouver?

Plan your route efficiently to visit multiple bookshops in close proximity, consider using public transport, and aim for weekday mornings to avoid crowds. Keep an eye on event calendars for special book-related activities. Happy bookstore hopping!