Emar Lakes Provincial Park contains a small chain of mountain lakes, potholes and wetlands in the upper Emar Creek watershed area. Plateuas in this 1,604-hectare park are covered with forests consisting of lodgepole pine, spruce, pine and aspen. The park protects important habitat for moose, black terns, common loons, Barrow’s goldeneyes, ruffed grouse and great horned owls.

Near the Jim and Richard Lakes, the old Hudson’s Bay Company Brigade Trail still remains. There are several small wilderness campsites near the northern tip of Janice Lake (Long Island), facilities include a pit toilet and two rustic picnic tables. The resort at the northwest end of the lake is privately owned.

The park also has a circular canoe route that navigates the chain of small lakes, with short portages on unmaintained wilderness trails. In winter you can enjoy cross-country skiing or snowshoeing, however the winter trails are not maintained.

Emar Lakes Provincial Park is located southwest of Clearwater and 12.5 miles (20 km) west of Little Fort along Highway 24 in British Columbia.

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