Pennask Lake Provincial Park is a source of much of the province’s rainbow trout eggs, which are used for restocking purposes. Fishing is excellent here, and the park has a boat launch.

The road is not suitable for recreational vehicles; its rough for 50 km from Peachland and then gravel into the park. The 25 natural campsites are open year round but not maintained. Use caution when paddling, canoeing or kayaking – this is a large lake, be prepared to take shelter in the numerous bays during wind storms.

The Pennask Lake Fishing and Game Club owns and operates a lodge on the lake. Though it is outside the park, the lodge is one of the main attractions in the area. With the exception of the small area of the park, all of the land around the lake is owned by the club.

Pennask Lake is 50 km northwest of Peachland. Head west out of Peachland on Princeton Avenue. You will come to a fork in the road, turn left onto a rough gravel road. Drive slowly as the road tends to be bumpy and watch out for logging trucks.

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